AIP Easy Apple Coleslaw
I see people post online every day about how hard AIP cooking and eating is, and how expensive it is, and how much time it takes...well, this is all true actually, but that does not mean you need to take it lying down. I am thrifty, and hungry, and AIP reliant so I need to find things to eat that are easy, plentiful, taste good, and do not cost an arm and a leg. This easy apple coleslaw recipe is something that everyone eating AIP should have in the refrigerator at all times. In a sealed container, this coleslaw stays fresh and ready to eat at a moments notice for easily a week. Not only that but it gets better as the days pass as opposed to getting less appetizing. It is like being rewarded for being lazy! All jokes aside this is a recipe you need to try.
In addition to being great for snacking on all week long this recipe is perfect if you need to prepare some AIP safe food for a large group of people. Everyone will eat and enjoy this coleslaw, and it travels well since it can be left out unrefrigerated for a while without spoiling. Personally I find traditional coleslaw a little uninspiring. I, for the most part, do not like any brand or type of commercially available coleslaw products...which is fine since I can't eat any of the ingredients and preservatives used in those anymore anyway. By switching the heavier traditional coleslaw dressing for this lighter oil and vinegar based one, and especially by adding the apples, this coleslaw is fresh, and crisp, and bursting with sweet bites of flavor from the apple. It really makes all the difference in the world for this "simple" recipe.
* You can use red cabbage if you like, in part or in whole, because red cabbage is very healthy. The only reason that I tend to use the green cabbage for this is that over time the red cabbage loses color and will end up making the entire slaw a strange pink color. If you are okay with that then by all means use some red cabbage as well in this recipe.
Prep time
20 minutes
Cooking time
Recipe yield
10+ servings
Ingredients needed
1 head green cabbage
3 carrots
2 green onions
2 apples
1 red onion
1 tablespoon salt
1/3 cup apple cider vinegar
1/3 cup olive oil
1/4 cup maple syrup (honey also works)
1 tablespoon onion powder
1 teaspoon garlic powder
Step 1 - Finely slice cabbage, carrots and onions. You can use a knife, or you can use a mandolin slicer for this
Step 2 - Mix diced vegetables in a large resealable container
Step 3 - Chop apples into bite sized pieces and toss with the rest of the slaw
Step 4 - Add apple cider vinegar and mix thoroughly into the slaw
Step 5 - Add maple syrup, olive oil, onion powder, garlic powder and salt to a bowl and mix well before adding to slaw
Step 6 - Add salt to taste. The cabbage will readily absorb the salt flavor so you may find you like to add more in the future
Step 7 - Store in the refrigerator for instant, no cook AIP meals, or as a side dish to another main course

If you are going to make this recipe then you are going to find out for yourself anyway so I might as well come clean and tell you the truth. When you store a giant container of chopped cabbage in your fridge you will definitely notice it every time you open the door. Cabbage emits a sulphur smell which is less than pleasing but I suppose you can consider that the price to pay for having such an easy, tasty, cheap, go-with-anything AIP meal ready to go 24/7. If it makes you feel any better, eating this much raw cabbage will have you farting so much you will not be able to tell where your farts end and the cabbage farts begin - bon appetite!
I guess I have a lot to learn about this food blogging thing because I think somewhere in the rule book it probably says to avoid referring to your recipes as smelling like farts, or fart inducing, but we run on a policy of 100% transparency around here. Compressed gas issues aside, this is actually something you want to eat, lasts forever, and is ready to eat any time you are ready to be eating. An AIP staple for sure.

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Life with MCTD
Autoimmune protocol recipes

About the author - Steve Goodale is a blogger and technical specialist from Ontario Canada, winner of the 2018 Industry Leadership Award, who reaches over three million readers per year with his popular pool and spa blog. Steve started the blog about healthy eating after being diagnosed with a rare and incurable autoimmune disease. You can read more on his story about life with MCTD here. For more healthy cooking inspiration check out his other delicious recipes.
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